Tuesday, 16 November 2010

The turning points

Dear Poppy,

As you turned 6 weeks old, you suddenly decided that enough was enough. You wanted 'space' and were ready for some 'alone time'. You would wake up in your crib in the morning and not make a sound. You would just lay there quietly, hoping we didn't find out that you were awake, lest we come and pounce on you! So, I found you on a few occasions, just lying there, smiling at the mobile over the crib and cooing and babbling to yourself. When discovered, you would smile sheepishly towards us as if to say, hey, don't be offended, I was just going to yell out for you!

You would spend a good ten minutes lying in the crib, intently watching the mobile go round and round as if figuring out how it worked (your dad would like to think). Every now and again it would need to be wound again and as I came back to wind it up, you would squeal in delight as it started rotating. You started enjoying your time on the play-mat and in your bouncy chair and even the swing. It was a new lease of life for your mummy!

As the days got better, the nights  remained a challenge. We would spend hours bouncing on the gym ball with you in our arms. It was the only way to get you to sleep. And there remained the task of the delicate transfer from warm arms to the cold non bouncy crib! One wrong move and it was back to hours of bouncing.

During week 9, one fine evening, mummy decided to heed the wisdom of TH: The baby whisperer. In her book, she has solutions to all baby related queries. To cut a long story short, following her sush-pat method, mummy had success in putting you to bed on the very first day in a few minutes! It was hardly believable, we call it a little miracle. From then on, it has been goodbye to the bouncy ball.

Love, Mummy

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