Thursday, 18 November 2010

Toys, germs and saliva

Dear Poppy,

Yesterday we went to our first play group for 0-12 month olds at the local Children's Centre. You were too young for the group as it would clearly be an advantage to atleast be able to sit or lie on one's tummy, both of which you have yet to master. But you so loved watching the other babies from the safety of your mummy's lap.

I say 'safety', because it was quite a battle ground, the play mat! I was and still am in mortal fear of the day when you will be ready to join  the ranks of those outwardly cute looking but inwardly menacing little babies! The favourite sport on the mat seemed to be to try and yank another baby's eyes out! It was interesting watching the mums be civil and even smile and talk to each other while the other's baby tried to insert their finger into their precious baby's mouth or pry their baby's eye out or bang their little one's head with a toy!

As if that wasnt scary enough, it was horrifying witnessing the free flowing saliva on offer, all over the toys, waiting to be ingested by a different baby each time the toy exchanged hands! And to think that I wipe each and every one of your toys everyday with anti bacterial wipes when there is no one playing with them, but you!

I wonder what you were thinking while sitting in my lap, watching all the fun. Bet you cant wait to crawl out of my lap and have a bite of the action! On reflection, perhaps it is me who is not ready for the day when you are ready to leave mummy's little protected world to venture out there into this cold, harsh, dirty, rough but yet strangely enamouring world.

Love, Mummy                                                                                                                               

1 comment:

  1. cute .

    tough time ahead....... ?

    Arna ask mamma not to worry.........
