Dear Poppy,
Here is a little list of some of your absolutely endearing little habits. Alas, old ones keep disappearing but more adorable new ones take their place. I really need to put them down lest I forget these priceless little gems.

Everytime you finish feeding, you raise your arm. Its your own way of communicating and telling me, 'mummy, its empty on this side. Can I have the other one please.' You do it unfailingly, every time.
Your absolute joy at waking up at 6 am every morning. The long and lazy stretches when you are unswaddled. You lift both hands, you elongate your torso, you extend both legs. You take a good amount of time before you finish this ritual.We would be delighted to have a few more hours in bed in the morning, but just watching your happiness at the start of the new day is infectious.
Your scepticism for all things new. As soon as you are confronted with a new situation, you close your eyes, go scarlet in the face and cry out loud for 10 seconds. Then you think, hey, I haven't even checked out this new place. Let me open my eyes and take a teeny weeny peak. Lo and behold, you see that its not so bad after all and you stop crying and usually actually enjoy yourself! Just like you mummy, daddy would say.

Your love for the changing table. Your biggest grins and loudest squeals are while your bum is being wiped. You love the freedom of being sans nappy. Even if you are feeling grumpy, you cannot help but smile big smiles while being changed. That's why mummy gives you loads of nappy free time everyday. Keeps the rash away and makes Poppy happy. Earlier, you would start crying when it was time to put the dreaded diaper on but now you are smarter and have made peace with the inevitable process. Recently, you have started striking a few weight lifting poses, you pretend you are getting ready to do some boxing. Why not also use this time to stretch.

Your blue Wardrobe: Thanks to your cousin brother R who is almost exactly a year older than you, you inherited a cupboard full of blue clothes. In fact almost all your pictures in the first 2 months have you in blue clothes. Mummy got lots of compliments for the beautiful little baby boy Poppy as she walked you in the pram and in the Bjorn. She ended up buying a tiny sprinkling of pink just to add some colour to your wardrobe.
Your thirty minutes-to-the-second, naps in your crib during the day. Exception: when outdoors in the sling, you can sleep for a good 2 hours and even more. As you proved during your first 2 movies at the parent baby cinema. You slept right through 'The Social Network' and 'Going the distance'. I can understand you not being impressed with Drew Barrymore but Mark Zuckerberg, he was very watchable.

Your intense, very alert, concentrated, curious, staring, frowning, I am learning, do-not-disturb-me look: It is the most unique and special thing about you. Every body notices it and is entranced by it. Passers-by on the street stop and comment on it. Daddy is thrilled. He loves your scientific temper and is confident that you are going to be an academic. Hmmmm.