Thursday, 24 November 2011

Being bookish

Dear Poppy,

Surprise: it's daddy writing this time. Your mother has given me a guest appearance on the blog, to write about a topic of my choosing. So why not write about storytime?

We've been reading (or sometimes, just looking at) books with you more or less since the day you were born. Your first book was a black-and-white textile book with three pages. It had pictures of mommy, daddy, baby and a mirror on the front page. It didn't hold your attention (or mine) very long.

For a long time, your favourite book was 'Dear Zoo.' Having learnt it by heart pretty quickly, you would tear open the flaps as soon as the page was turned, never mind the story, and feel the teeth of the lion or the dog's tongue. Actually, 'feel'? More like, try to rip them off. That book is now completely in tatters, but it has certainly served its purpose, keeping you entertained for the first nine months of your life.

At 15 months you're much more diverse. There are at least 15 books you really like, and that you look forward to reading. But the best part is how enthusiastic you have recently become about the story time session itself. You always enjoyed it, but now you're literally quick stepping with anticipation as soon as story time is announced. Several times you have gone to select the books you want to read, carried them carefully to mommy and daddy's bed and carefully placed them, one by one, on top of it. Then you can get a little bit impatient if daddy is not ready, having dimmed the light and brought the bottle, the dummy and your favourite blanket into bed. And when he is ready and in place, you stretch your little arms out, wanting to be lifted up into the cozy wonderland that awaits.

And then, dummy in place and blanket around you, lights dimmed and ten books at the ready, I will lean you against the pillow next to me and put my arm around you. Nestled between pillows, blanket and daddy, you will wiggle your back several times to find the most comfortable and snug position possible.

And then, we are ready. You and I. Poppy and daddy. It's our time.

It's story time.

Much love,
your dad


  1. Wow!
    Beautifully written and expressed . Keep it up .

  2. Aww. I Miss story time with poppy as well. The cutest bit is how effective story time is on the adults :)

    You should definitely write some more on the blog

