Apart from the obvious joys of having a little baby, there are some not-so-obvious joys that I have noticed over the last few months :
- Grandparents visit us more often. Your bestemor has seen you six times in your ten months on this planet and your nana nani have seen you three times.
- Mummy gets loads of attention and compliments on facebook when she puts up photos of you. This would not happen if she had put up photos of just herself!
- Strangers on the road are very friendly and bemused by you. They stop to chat, try to help and even the grumpy ones manage a smile. It feels like the whole bus lights up when we get on!
- Even the Indian visa office fast-tracks applicants with babies! I felt sorry for this lady who had been waiting three hours while we got called straight away. I did suggest to her that next time round, she should borrow and bring a baby along.
- Mummy does not get to see movies in the cinema with daddy anymore. Which means she is not forced to see documentaries, science fiction, movies about caves and such like. Last week, I saw a chick flick with K and tomorrow I am seeing a bollywood movie with R. Yay!