I wonder :
why the tags on toys are far more interesting than the toys themselves
wearing a hat is so intolerable
how it is possible that you do not tire of trying your new skills over and over and over again. Today you have spent hours standing holding the bars of your crib and then sitting. And then pulling yourself up again and then sitting. Atleast fifty times at a go!
why it is so horrible to have someone try to wipe your nose with a tissue. Does it feel like they are going to suffocate you?
why a toy in your hand is not remotely as interesting as the one on the floor, or more so, the one in another baby's hand?
why phones, ipads, laptops, landlines can keep you busy for hours but not your toys
how frustrating it must be to have a toy just out of reach. To make it worse, you then go on all fours, sway back and forth trying to decide whether the toy is worth the risk of trying something brand new, and all this while mummy just sits back and watches and does not help! Why! Why would she do that?
how it is that you can go from being super happy to super tired and sleepy in less than a minute
why while on the swing in the park, the most interesting place you focus on, is behind you. This means you spend the entire time on the swing sitting in a very uncomfortable position, twisted so you are facing 180 degrees behind. Turning you around doesnt help. You then want to look behind once again!
what makes buttons so interesting
what you are thinking as you stare at strangers on the bus, sometimes for a good half an hour
why of late, you always turn 90 degrees in the crib and fall asleep along the width. It means you are all scrunched up and have to rest your feet against the walls. Does it feel more cosy and snuggly that way?
what it is that fascinates you endlessly about the clothes in the washing machine going round and round. You almost fall out of your high chair, craning your neck to get a good view of the machine
how a simple act like you holding my finger can evoke the strongest emotions
whether the same mobile that is comforting in the day, is scary at night?
why is that you instantly want to reach out and touch other babies' faces or hands. You reserve this affection only for the little ones.
how it is possible to love you so so so so much that my heart could break into a million pieces every second of the day
Love you Poppy
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