Dear Poppy,
You are at the most delightful age. I know I keep thinking every age is the best, but this one REALLY is amazing. You are talking all day, non stop and you say words I did not even know you knew.
Your pappa is particularly thrilled because you love going to the Science Museum to see 'yockets (rockets) to the moon' and the BIG Circle and to the Natural History Museum to see BIIIIGGG Dinosaurs. Today we went to the Science Museum again (we have been averaging once a week) and I was surprised that you know your way all along the ground floor of the museum. You know that first comes the big circle and the machines that go 'round and round'. You are able to walk ahead of me very confidently talking continuously about what comes next. You know that rockets are in the following room and then are choo choos and then your favourite YED CARS (Red cars).
The first time we went to the museum together, we had cake at the cafe and then I gave you ice cream a little later at our favourite crepe place. You have still not forgotten this. Every time we go, you ask for cake and is (Norwegian for ice cream). Today we met Fernando at the museum and you loved hanging out with him.
Today was another milestone in your life. Keira, Kim and Jeff, our next door neighbours moved out into their very own house in Ealing. We are going to miss them so much. We often dropped in at each other's house spontaneously. After you girls were asleep, we sometimes had dinner/drinks at each others as our respective monitors worked at the other's place. It was amazing. Poppy, when you were a little baby, your pappa and my first few date nights were thanks to the Hiltzes. When we were on holidays (which happened quite a lot in this year), every time we came back, our fridge was stocked with basic groceries.I do hope you continue to see Keira frequently, she was indeed, your very first friend.
Love you Poppy...
Saturday, 17 November 2012
Monday, 29 October 2012
Toddler speak
Hello Poppy,
Some of your adorable baby talk:
Kangagook - Kangaroo
Punnun - Puzzle
Cauliflier - Cauliflower
Butterby - Butterfly
Kaira - Keira
Vesan - Vesna
Yeyow -Yellow
Yaad- Red
Ayyyyyan - Alan (Erlend)
Shippa - Shipra
Bikkit - Biscuit
Coco water - Coconut water
Button - Bestemor
Your favourite phrases:
Thats better
There you go
Mummy, sit HERE
Mummy, THERE! (Pointing to the living room)
This Arna's
Hide n seek
This one
Oh Dear
Some of your adorable baby talk:
Kangagook - Kangaroo
Punnun - Puzzle
Cauliflier - Cauliflower
Butterby - Butterfly
Kaira - Keira
Vesan - Vesna
Yeyow -Yellow
Yaad- Red
Ayyyyyan - Alan (Erlend)
Shippa - Shipra
Bikkit - Biscuit
Coco water - Coconut water
Button - Bestemor
Your favourite phrases:
Thats better
There you go
Mummy, sit HERE
Mummy, THERE! (Pointing to the living room)
This Arna's
Hide n seek
This one
Oh Dear
Sunday, 16 September 2012
Sleepy time
Dear Poppy,
When you are in your crib, ready to sleep with your two 'teppes', you like to be patted or sung to. In the last few weeks you insist on having the following names included in your lullaby:
Nana (Always first)
Peppa pig
Mummy pig
Daddy pig
Vesan (Vesna)
Shali (Vaishali)
Button (bestemor)
Ada (Keira's cat)
Ada mat (Ada's food)
Last night you also added
Red car
Siyer car (Silver car)
Button (Bamse)
Starne (Star)
Gazo (Gruffalo)
Two teppe
Big buggy
When you are in your crib, ready to sleep with your two 'teppes', you like to be patted or sung to. In the last few weeks you insist on having the following names included in your lullaby:
Nana (Always first)
Peppa pig
Mummy pig
Daddy pig
Vesan (Vesna)
Shali (Vaishali)
Button (bestemor)
Ada (Keira's cat)
Ada mat (Ada's food)
Last night you also added
Red car
Siyer car (Silver car)
Button (Bamse)
Starne (Star)
Gazo (Gruffalo)
Two teppe
Big buggy
Too soon
Dear Poppy,
You will be two in a couple of days. Tomorrow we have a birthday party for some of your little friends at Gymboree. I thought it was a good time to summarise some of what has been going on in your world over the last 6 months.
In April 2012, you became very fond of your shapes - circle, oval, star. And the number 2 and 5 (fem).
We went to Grenada in the Caribbean in May and we spent a couple of hoursdrawing the above 5 in the sand. You would ask for them repeatedly!
In Grenada, you also for the first time showed a respectfull wariness of the sea. You much preferred the pool which you absolutely loved. You would sing 'badu, baadu, baaadu' while frolicking around in the pool. You wern't crazy about the sand either in Grenada. The moment, you got a few specks on your palm, you would look very distressed and hold your hands out for me to wipe the sand off. You also learnt to tip toe around to get as little sand on your little feet :)
India, in June was hot. Gujarat and Mumbbai were unbearable but you were a happy bunny throughout. You bceame very fond of nana and nani and mausi and didi and long after you came to London, you would ask for them. In fact, many times a day you said nana phone and that is to see nana's photos on papa's phone. In due time though, although you asked for nana phone, you would spend ages looking at your own videos on the phone!
In July we went to the Hytta in Norway. You loved it. You loved the wild strawberries and cleaning the little pool. You went crab fishing with pappa and enjoyed the hammock and being wheeled around in a wheelbarrow by bestemor.
In Norway, we did something drastic. Because you have always been not an easy eater, way back I started giving you your meals in front of the tv. Soon you got hooked to Shapashap and Peppa. You wanted Night garden not only at 6.20 but all day.You now wanted Shapa for breakfast, lunch and dinner and in between. When we went to Norway we decided to go cold turkey on animation. You asked for them and would whine and moan. You went to bed mumbling shapa, peppa, iggle,upsy daisy, makka makka. It was hard for you and for us. It felt like we have taken away the loves of your life. It has been a month now but you still remember your night garden friends very often.
In the last week, you finally have begun to realise that not all cars are boo (blue). You now know black, blue and red. You get mixed up around orange, pink and yellow.
You can count till 10, but not in the right order and you start with two. There is some Norwegian interspersed in between.
You miss Evie, Marie and Keira when they are not around. You absolutely love your buggy and you have loved it for 6 months now. You dont want to leave the house without it and recently you climb stairs with the buggy.
You know which lap top is papa's and which is mamma's. You do not like it when mamma uses pappa's lap top and the other way around. It makes you very upset. I guess it is too confusing. The world makes sense as long as there are rules, isnt it Arna.
About three weeks ago, we FINALLY got rid of your night milk. We have been very bad for continuing for this long. It was so easy. In three ngihts, you had stopped asking for it altogether! And here we were, dreading it.
The tooth brushing is a BIG challenge., You cry hysterically. Potty training is next.
Its fun times, all the way.
You are calling me and insisting on getting a star on your chart. Here I come
You will be two in a couple of days. Tomorrow we have a birthday party for some of your little friends at Gymboree. I thought it was a good time to summarise some of what has been going on in your world over the last 6 months.
In April 2012, you became very fond of your shapes - circle, oval, star. And the number 2 and 5 (fem).
We went to Grenada in the Caribbean in May and we spent a couple of hoursdrawing the above 5 in the sand. You would ask for them repeatedly!
In Grenada, you also for the first time showed a respectfull wariness of the sea. You much preferred the pool which you absolutely loved. You would sing 'badu, baadu, baaadu' while frolicking around in the pool. You wern't crazy about the sand either in Grenada. The moment, you got a few specks on your palm, you would look very distressed and hold your hands out for me to wipe the sand off. You also learnt to tip toe around to get as little sand on your little feet :)
India, in June was hot. Gujarat and Mumbbai were unbearable but you were a happy bunny throughout. You bceame very fond of nana and nani and mausi and didi and long after you came to London, you would ask for them. In fact, many times a day you said nana phone and that is to see nana's photos on papa's phone. In due time though, although you asked for nana phone, you would spend ages looking at your own videos on the phone!
In July we went to the Hytta in Norway. You loved it. You loved the wild strawberries and cleaning the little pool. You went crab fishing with pappa and enjoyed the hammock and being wheeled around in a wheelbarrow by bestemor.
In Norway, we did something drastic. Because you have always been not an easy eater, way back I started giving you your meals in front of the tv. Soon you got hooked to Shapashap and Peppa. You wanted Night garden not only at 6.20 but all day.You now wanted Shapa for breakfast, lunch and dinner and in between. When we went to Norway we decided to go cold turkey on animation. You asked for them and would whine and moan. You went to bed mumbling shapa, peppa, iggle,upsy daisy, makka makka. It was hard for you and for us. It felt like we have taken away the loves of your life. It has been a month now but you still remember your night garden friends very often.
In the last week, you finally have begun to realise that not all cars are boo (blue). You now know black, blue and red. You get mixed up around orange, pink and yellow.
You can count till 10, but not in the right order and you start with two. There is some Norwegian interspersed in between.
You miss Evie, Marie and Keira when they are not around. You absolutely love your buggy and you have loved it for 6 months now. You dont want to leave the house without it and recently you climb stairs with the buggy.
You know which lap top is papa's and which is mamma's. You do not like it when mamma uses pappa's lap top and the other way around. It makes you very upset. I guess it is too confusing. The world makes sense as long as there are rules, isnt it Arna.
About three weeks ago, we FINALLY got rid of your night milk. We have been very bad for continuing for this long. It was so easy. In three ngihts, you had stopped asking for it altogether! And here we were, dreading it.
The tooth brushing is a BIG challenge., You cry hysterically. Potty training is next.
Its fun times, all the way.
You are calling me and insisting on getting a star on your chart. Here I come
Saturday, 31 March 2012
These are a few of my favourite words....
Dear Poppy,
You are taking your time with the words. There has been a breakthrough over the last week, wherein you are repeating many of the words we say, but on the whole it has been slow going.
Here are some of your favourites that have been going for a while
1. Mamma : I am unashamedly proud that this was your first word and you have said it for a while. It is very sweet, the way you say it with a slight intonation. You say mamma many times in the day when I am at work, when you wake up first thing in the morning and after your nap and when you want something and are a bit miserable. When I return from work, as soon as you hear my key in the door, you shout 'Mamma, mamma, mamma till I come in, and then you run past me and out of the door to do some more climbing!! Nice welcome, I get.
2. Pappa : Nothing much to say here :)
3. This and That : How can you be wrong when I say ' Arna what is this? ' and you reply 'this' or 'that'!! Everything is this/that
4. No, NO, NO : If only I got a penny, everytime you said No! You say it all day, everyday. Anything we ask you, you say 'No'
Situation: Sleepy Arna, rubbing her eyes, yawning, moaning.
Mamma: 'Arna, are you sleepy?'
Arna: Vigorously shaking her head , No, No, No, NO.
Mamma carries Arna to her crib and Arna is asleep in two seconds.
Mamma: Arna, can you say yes.
Arna: No.
5. More: When we do anything fun like nursery rhymes, Ring roses, Throw you up in the air, twirl you around, when we stop you say, Mooooreee? Moooreeeee? Its the cutest thing in the world, the way you say it and of course how can one not give in.
I guess, between 'No' and 'more', you are sorted. Who needs any more words.
6. Moone : This is a new favourite. You love saying it all day. When you wake up in the morning, once you have called out for mamma, as soon as I enter your room, you point to the moon shaped lamp and say 'Moone'. Sometimes you say it for no reason at all.
7. Eyes : You love poking our eyes (both of them) and saying 'Ice'. When I am wearing my glasses, you put your little finger under my glasses and reach for the eyes and triumphantly say 'Ice'!
8. Park : When you are in the mood, you repeat after us 'Park' and why not, you go to the park every single day and sometimes twice a day. It is your favourite place.
9. Ipad : This is your favourite word for the last few days. Its Ipad when you wake up in the morning and Ipad when you go to bed.
Bus, Vroom Vroom (for cars) and a few more.
But I think we are in the midst of a word explosion as you said about twenty new words today!
You are taking your time with the words. There has been a breakthrough over the last week, wherein you are repeating many of the words we say, but on the whole it has been slow going.
Here are some of your favourites that have been going for a while
1. Mamma : I am unashamedly proud that this was your first word and you have said it for a while. It is very sweet, the way you say it with a slight intonation. You say mamma many times in the day when I am at work, when you wake up first thing in the morning and after your nap and when you want something and are a bit miserable. When I return from work, as soon as you hear my key in the door, you shout 'Mamma, mamma, mamma till I come in, and then you run past me and out of the door to do some more climbing!! Nice welcome, I get.
2. Pappa : Nothing much to say here :)
3. This and That : How can you be wrong when I say ' Arna what is this? ' and you reply 'this' or 'that'!! Everything is this/that
4. No, NO, NO : If only I got a penny, everytime you said No! You say it all day, everyday. Anything we ask you, you say 'No'
Situation: Sleepy Arna, rubbing her eyes, yawning, moaning.
Mamma: 'Arna, are you sleepy?'
Arna: Vigorously shaking her head , No, No, No, NO.
Mamma carries Arna to her crib and Arna is asleep in two seconds.
Mamma: Arna, can you say yes.
Arna: No.
5. More: When we do anything fun like nursery rhymes, Ring roses, Throw you up in the air, twirl you around, when we stop you say, Mooooreee? Moooreeeee? Its the cutest thing in the world, the way you say it and of course how can one not give in.
I guess, between 'No' and 'more', you are sorted. Who needs any more words.
6. Moone : This is a new favourite. You love saying it all day. When you wake up in the morning, once you have called out for mamma, as soon as I enter your room, you point to the moon shaped lamp and say 'Moone'. Sometimes you say it for no reason at all.
7. Eyes : You love poking our eyes (both of them) and saying 'Ice'. When I am wearing my glasses, you put your little finger under my glasses and reach for the eyes and triumphantly say 'Ice'!
8. Park : When you are in the mood, you repeat after us 'Park' and why not, you go to the park every single day and sometimes twice a day. It is your favourite place.
9. Ipad : This is your favourite word for the last few days. Its Ipad when you wake up in the morning and Ipad when you go to bed.
Bus, Vroom Vroom (for cars) and a few more.
But I think we are in the midst of a word explosion as you said about twenty new words today!
'I can do it MYSELF'
Dear Poppy,
You have been walking for a while now, and I get it, it has gotten boring. Climbing stairs is so much more challenging and fun, especially without any help. I really do believe that left to it, you could spend all day going up and down the stairs where we live.
But of course, even that has got mundane. So why not try doing it (even though the art of climbing stairs has not been mastered as I write this) while pushing your doll pram. Now that is exactly the kind of challenge that gives you a buzz.
As you precariously manoeuvre the stairs, one hand holding the railing, the other one holding the doll pram, I sometimes hold your hand or the doll pram, only when I think it is a bit too precarious for MY liking. Your response is to shout 'Noooooooo' and then you throw the doll pram, sit down on the stair in protest and start all over again! So of course I have learned to stay a safe distance away. Even coming too close to you elicits a sharp 'Noooo' and looks that could kill.
In all fairness, I must admit that your risk assessments of the situation are spot on. You gauge the depth of the stair, the accessibility of the railing, the consequences were you to fall (you are far more daring on carpeted stairs than on un-carpeted stairs :) ) and then decide whether or not you can manage alright without mamma. When you see that things are a bit too risky, you put your hand out for me. But as soon as you are done with the helping hand you push it away and off you go.
It is just unbelievable, the need for independence. And the moment one feat is conquered, I can literally see you look around for the next challenge.
I have done my calculations too my little girl. I stay away but just within leaping distance of being able to catch you were you to have a nasty fall.
Whats it going to be next? I cant wait to find out.
Love you munchkins
You have been walking for a while now, and I get it, it has gotten boring. Climbing stairs is so much more challenging and fun, especially without any help. I really do believe that left to it, you could spend all day going up and down the stairs where we live.
But of course, even that has got mundane. So why not try doing it (even though the art of climbing stairs has not been mastered as I write this) while pushing your doll pram. Now that is exactly the kind of challenge that gives you a buzz.
In all fairness, I must admit that your risk assessments of the situation are spot on. You gauge the depth of the stair, the accessibility of the railing, the consequences were you to fall (you are far more daring on carpeted stairs than on un-carpeted stairs :) ) and then decide whether or not you can manage alright without mamma. When you see that things are a bit too risky, you put your hand out for me. But as soon as you are done with the helping hand you push it away and off you go.
I have done my calculations too my little girl. I stay away but just within leaping distance of being able to catch you were you to have a nasty fall.
Whats it going to be next? I cant wait to find out.
Love you munchkins
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