Dearest Poppy,
Today you walked several steps on your own. You have been heading for this moment steadily for over a month now. Cruising, walking whilst being supported by our two index fingers, holding onto only one finger, crawling to us,using us as support to stand up, then letting go and falling with a thud, all these were steps along the way building up to the big climax of today.
You have a daily exercise regime which involves 5-10 squats at a time. You squat, then stand up, then squat again and stand up. So much fun and what a great workout. I have tried imitating you and can barely stand up from the squat position. Hmmmmm.
You enjoy using the walker and cruising around with admirable speed. But given the dimensions of our living room (large by London standards), you reach the other end of the room in five seconds. It made you impatient to wait for mummy to turn you around so you learned, at first, how to walk backwards with the walker but more recently you have been able to turn it in whatever direction your heart desires.
The part I love best is that when you do something that you know is probably praiseworthy, you applaud yourself. You then look at everyone in the room, willing them to contribute to the applause.
This has been so adorable but I must admit at times has been embarrassing too. For example, you clap at the slightest thing you do that is noteworthy and you insist that everyone must clap along. Of course, as proud parents we always chip in but not all strangers are aware that for instance your passing a ball onto someone else deserves a standing ovation!
Sometimes the clapping starts even when you have 'failed' at something! Note: I use the word fail with extreme caution. What I mean is that of course what matters is the attempt and not the result, but when you play with your shape sorter, you clap at every shape you manage to put through. Sometimes, the shape gets stuck in the hole and does not go through. But it is reason to applaud. As daddy says, it is the practice that matters!
We have watched your progress with enthusiasm and love, but what I find amazing is that at some level you too are fully aware of every little progress you make. I guess you are the one doing all the hard work and calculating in that little head of yours 'hmmm, can stand but legs feel shaky. Perhaps best not to put one leg forward and risk a mighty tumble in front of this devoted audience'
I have heard that from the first 3-4 independent steps, it is only a matter of days before full fledged walking. In no time will you be refusing the offer of help from the very hands that got you to this point.
Our little fledgling is getting ready to grow her wings and fly!
Love you Poppy.