No doubt in the little time that you have been around, you have had many 'firsts' but here are a few that stand out:
1. At the ripe age of 6 weeks, you got your very own library card. You are going to be a prolific reader, I just know it.
2. At the age of 13 weeks, you have already incurred your first library fine! A sombre little letter addressed to you came in the post. A grand sum of 20 pence for returning 8 books 2 weeks late. The library folks are not as strict to infants.
4. By the age of 10 weeks you have already seen three movies in the cinema. Well lets say, mummy has seen three movies whilst you happily dozed all along (thank you): The Social Network, Going the distance and The kids are alright.
5. We have had innumerable visitors come by to see you right from when you were born. The person who makes it into the record books is uncle R who came to see you when you were 2 days old. He was our very first visitor.